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14 The desktop

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At any time during a typical Axmud session there may be several windows open. Axmud tries to arrange these windows so that they don't overlap (as far as possible). This is generally called window tiling.

Note that window tiling has not yet been implemented on MS Windows. Instead, you can create your own arrangment by dragging windows around the desktop. Axmud will remember where you put each type of window.

MS Windows users should skip Section 14 entirely, as none of it applies to their system.

Note also that if you're using settings optimised for visually-impaired users, window tiling is also turned off, so none of Section 14 applies to you unless you're planning to turn it back on.

If window tiling is turned off in general and you want to turn it on (or vice-versa), you can use the following commands:



By default, multiple connections can share a single main window, or they can each have their own main window. To switch between the two, use the following command:


For technical reasons, the change won't be applied until you restart Axmud.

14.1 Zonemaps

The blueprint for arranging windows is called a zonemap.

You're free to design your own zonemaps (from the main window, click Edit > Axmud Preferences > Workspaces > Page 7), but most of the time you'll be using one of Axmud's standard zonemaps.

14.2 Workspaces

Axmud supports multiple workspaces, both real and virtual.

By real workspaces, we mean multiple physical monitors. Many modern systems, especially Linux systems, implement virtual workspaces. meaning that the user has a single monitor which can switch between one of several virtual workspaces. Axmud supports both setups.

Only one workspace - the one in which Axmud opens - is used by default, but it's easy to set up Axmud to use multiple workspaces. If you use multiple workspaces, you can either use the same zonemap in every workspace, or apply a specific zonemap to each separate workspace.

14.3 Zones

A zonemap consists of one or more zones. A zone can contain one or more windows. If the zone is full of windows, it can either refuse to accept more windows or it can stack windows on top of each other.

Some zones are only allowed to contain one type of window. For example, there is normally a zone which contains only the main window. Some zones might contain only one type of task window. Other zones can contain any kind of window.

14.4 Standard zonemaps

Axmud provides a number of standard zonemaps.

Some of them are designed for use on modern widescreen (1920x1080) monitors and others are designed for use on smaller monitors.

In addition, some are designed for use when sessions share a single main window and others are designed for use when sessions have their own main window.

When Axmud first ran, you probably selected the most suitable zonemap for your system, but if not, it's easy to change to a different one.

These zonemaps are designed for shared main windows:

These zonemaps are designed for separate main windows:

14.5 Setting zonemaps

When you change zonemaps, you can change the zonemap for all workspaces, or just a single workspace.

In addition, you can specify how Axmud should behave whenever it starts: how many workspaces to use, and which zonemap to use on each workspace.

The easiest way to accomplish all of these tasks is to use the client preference window, so open that window before continuing (from the main window menu, select Edit > Axmud Preferences > Workspaces').

14.5.1 Setting the workspace direction

Axmud's default workspace is the one in which it opens. If you need additional workspaces, those workspaces are added in a consistent direction.

To set this direction, click Page 1, choose an option from the combo (drop-down) box, and click the Set button next to it.

14.5.2 Setting initial workspaces

Now click on Page 4. This page lists the workspaces Axmud uses when it starts. This list always contains at least one workspace - the one in which Axmud opens.

You can add additional workspaces.

You can also modify the default zonemap used by a workspace that's already in the list

14.5.3 Modifying current workspaces

You can apply the same kinds of changes to workspaces that Axmud is using right now. These changes won't be retained when Axmud next starts.

Click on Page 3. To add an additional workspace:

14.5.4 Editing zonemaps

You can add new zonemaps and modify existing ones on Page 7.

Standard zonemaps can't be modified by the user, but you can create a clone of a standard zonemap, and edit the clone instead.

14.6 Layers

Sometimes there isn't enough room on the desktop to arrange all of Axmud's windows without them overlapping each other.

Axmud solves this problem by arranging windows in layers. This isn't obvious at first, because the default layer is the one at the bottom. When that layer is full, new windows are placed in a higher layer.

Windows in higher layers aren't visible. Windows in lower layers might be visible, but will be obscured by windows in the current layer, which are always visible.

To move up and down a layer, use the pointing hand buttons near the top of the main window. Alternatively you can use the following client commands:



If a zone is allowed to contain only one window, then that window will always be visible. (Many of the standard zonemaps reserve a zone for the exclusive use of the main window).

Edit, preference and wizard windows are considered temporary; it's assumed that you are going to modify some value and close them shortly afterwards. Axmud does not attempt to fit them inside a zone.

14.7 External windows

It's possible to grab an external window - one that is nothing to do with Axmud - and to arrange it on the desktop using the first available space. This is quite useful if you want to watch a video while slaughtering your enemies.

    ;grabwindow vlc
    ;gw vlc

This commands 'grabs' the first window it finds whose name matches the pattern vlc. The pattern (regular expression) is case-sensitive, so you should use vlc, not VLC.

To release all external windows and return them to their previous sizes and positions:


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