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17 Peek/Poke Operations

Much of Axmud's internal data is available to you, and to any scripts and plugins you write.

A peek operation allows you to see internal data. A poke operation allows you to modify it. Most of Axmud's internal data can be seen via a peek operation, but in general, data can only be modified in a poke operation when it's safe to do so.

This data can be accessed using the client commands ;peek and ;poke. Axbasic scripts can access the data through a number of statements, for example PEEK and POKE. Plugins (written in perl) can access the data directly, or through a call to GA::Session->parsePeekPoke.

Peek and poke operations take a string as an argument. The string is separated into a compulsory object part and an optional IV (instance variable) part.

(In Perl terminology, an object is a collection of data, and an IV is a variable stored in that collection. The variable can be a scalar, list or hash.)

An example of an object part is prof.deathmud, representing a world profile called deathmud, and an example of an IV part is port. Thus, you can access the world's port by peeking the string prof.deathmud.port.

The object part is translated into the blessed reference of the object. (In Perl terminology, the blessed reference is a name given to each distinct object.)

If an IV part is specified, the peek/poke operation returns the value of the IV. If no IV part is specified, the peek/poke operation returns the blessed reference of the object.

This Section contains a complete list of strings that can be used in peek/poke operations.

In some cases, the string corresponds to a particular IV in a particular object, e.g. world.current refers to the current world profile (the Perl class is GA::Session->currentWorld).

In some cases, the string refers to a whole object, e.g. dict.current refers to the current dictionary (the Perl class is GA::Session->currentDict). In those cases, you can add any valid IV to the string, e.g. dict.current.weaponHash. The IV part is case-sensitive, so dict.current.weaponhash will not work.

Axmud global variables like $axmud::SCRIPT are used here as if they were IVs in the GA::Client object (for convenience).

The values returned by many strings depend on the session. For example, dict.current will return this session's current dictionary, not some other session's current dictionary.

Although it's possible to directly modify an IV's value with a poke operation, doing so is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED.

It is almost always better to use client commands and Axmud's edit, preference and wizard windows, which take care of all the complications that might not be obvious to you.

If you do need to modify values directly (for testing purposes, perhaps), you should at least read the comments in the source code for the object you're modifying. (Most of what you need is in the ->new function.)

All Axmud objects have an IV called ->_privFlag. If the value is TRUE, that object's IVs are private and cannot be modified in a poke operation at all. If the value is FALSE, that object's IVs are public and can be modified in a poke operation.

Objects whose ->_privFlag is FALSE are designed (for the most part) as simple stores of data, so it's usually safe to modify them directly (but still read the source code first).

All IVs beginning with an underline (underscore), such as ->_privFlag itself, are standard IVs that can't be modified in any circumstances.

The strings specified below return the following kinds of value in a peek/poke operation:

    o - object whose ->_privFlag is FALSE (IVs are public)
    O - object whose ->_privFlag is TRUE (IVs are private)
    s - scalar
    S - read-only scalar
    f - scalar flag (always TRUE or FALSE)
    F - read-only scalar flag (always TRUE or FALSE)
    l - list
    L - read-only list
    h - hash
    H - read-only hash
    X - read-only scalar, list or hash (for JSON data structures)

S aard102.status
     Current AARD102 status notification (GA::Session->aard102Status)
S aard102.tick
     Time of last tick received via AARD102 (GA::Session->aard102TickTime)

L atcp.list
     List of (all) ATCP packages received (from GA::Session->atcpDataHash)
L atcp.list.PACKAGE
     List of ATCP packages received in the form
        PACKAGE[.subpackage][.message] (from GA::Session->atcpDataHash)
     List of ATCP packages received in the form
        PACKAGE[.SUBPACKAGE][.message] (from GA::Session->atcpDataHash)
     Value of undecoded data string in the ATCP package (from
     A value embedded within the JSON data. 'json' is made up of any number
        of '.INDEX' and '.KEY' components, in any order. The returned value
        is the scalar, list or hash value stored within the embedded list/
        hash references; or 'undef' if '.json' doesn't match any embedded
        scalar value (from GA::Session->atcpDataHash)

s buffer.size.display
     Custom maximum display buffer size (GA::Client->customDisplayBufferSize)
s buffer.size.instruct
     Custom maximum instruction buffer size
s buffer.size.cmd
     Custom maximum world command buffer size
o buffer.client.instruct.NUMBER
     Client's instruction buffer object NUMBER (from
S buffer.client.instruct.count
     No. instructions processed altogether (GA::Client->instructBufferCount)
S buffer.client.instruct.first
     NUMBER of earliest surviving buffer object
S buffer.client.instruct.last
     NUMBER of most recent buffer object (GA::Client->instructBufferLast)
o buffer.client.cmd.NUMBER
     Client's world command buffer object NUMBER (from
S buffer.client.cmd.count
     No. commands processed altogether (GA::Client->cmdBufferCount)
S buffer.client.cmd.first
     NUMBER of earliest surviving buffer object (GA::Client->cmdBufferFirst)
S buffer.client.cmd.last
     NUMBER of most recent buffer object (GA::Client->cmdBufferLast)
o buffer.session.display.NUMBER
     Session's display buffer object NUMBER (from
S buffer.session.display.count
     No. lines processed altogether (GA::Session->displayBufferCount)
S buffer.session.display.first
     NUMBER of earliest surviving buffer object
S buffer.session.display.last
     NUMBER of most recent buffer object (GA::Session->displayBufferLast)
o buffer.session.instruct.NUMBER
     Session's instruction buffer object NUMBER (from
S buffer.session.instruct.count
     No. instructions processed altogether (GA::Session->instructBufferCount)
S buffer.session.instruct.first
     NUMBER of earliest surviving buffer object
S buffer.session.instruct.last
     NUMBER of most recent buffer object (GA::Session->instructBufferLast)
o buffer.session.cmd.NUMBER
     Session's world command buffer object NUMBER (from
S buffer.session.cmd.count
     No. commands processed altogether (GA::Session->cmdBufferCount)
S buffer.session.cmd.first
     NUMBER of earliest surviving buffer object (GA::Session->cmdBufferFirst)
S buffer.session.cmd.last
     NUMBER of most recent buffer object (GA::Session->cmdBufferLast)

o cage.current.TYPE.CATEGORY
     Current cage of type 'TYPE' (e.g. 'trigger') associated with the
        category 'CATEGORY' (from GA::Session->currentCageHash)
     Cage called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->cageHash)
o cage.TYPE.PROF
     Cage of type 'TYPE' (e.g. 'trigger') associated with the profile called
        'PROF' (from GA::Session->cageHash)
L cage.type.list
     Customisable list of cage types (GA::Client->cageTypeList)

o char.current
     Current character profile (GA::Session->currentChar)
o char.NAME
     Character profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->profHash)

     Chat contact object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->chatContactHash)
     Chat task name to broadcast (GA::Client->chatName)
     Chat task email to broadcast (GA::Client->chatEmail)
S chat.mode
     Chat task accept mode (GA::Client->chatAcceptMode)
S chat.icon
     Chat task icon to broadcast (from GA::Client->chatIcon)

     $SCRIPT (Axmud global variable)
     $NAME_SHORT (Axmud global variable)
     $NAME_ARTICLE (Axmud global variable)
S client.version
     $VERSION (Axmud global variable)
     $DATE (Axmud global variable)
     $BASIC_NAME (Axmud global variable)
S client.basic.article
     $BASIC_ARTICLE (Axmud global variable)
S client.basic.version
     $BASIC_VERSION (Axmud global variable)
S client.authors
     $AUTHORS (Axmud global variable)
S client.copyright
     $COPYRIGHT (Axmud global variable)
S client.url
     $URL (Axmud global variable)
     $NAME_FILE (Axmud global variable)
L client.file.list
     @COMPAT_FILE_LIST (Axmud global variable)
S client.dir.base
     $BASE_DIR (Axmud global variable)
     $DATA_DIR (Axmud global variable)
L client.dir.list
     @COMPAT_DIR_LIST (Axmud global variable)
L client.ext.list
     @COMPAT_EXT_LIST (Axmud global variable)
F client.mode.blind
     $BLIND_MODE_FLAG (Axmud global variable)
     $SAFE_MODE_FLAG (Axmud global variable)
F client.mode.test
     $TEST_MODE_FLAG (Axmud global variable)
L client.license
     @LICENSE_LIST (Axmud global variable)
     @CREDIT_LIST (Axmud global variable)

S client.start.time
     Client start time (system time, in secs) (GA::Client->startTime)
S client.start.clock
     Time client started (GA::Client->startClock)
     Date client started (GA::Client->startDate)
S client.start.clockstring
     Time client started, formatted string (GA::Client->startClockString)
S client.start.datestring
     Date client started, formatted string (GA::Client->startDateString)
S client.delay.prompt
     Time to wait before using a prompt (GA::Client->promptWaitTime)
S client.delay.login
     Time to wait before showing login warning (GA::Client->loginWarningTime)
L client.iv
     List of IVs required in all Perl objects (from GA::Client->constIVHash)
L client.reserved
     List of reserved names (from GA::Client->constReservedHash)

o colour.scheme.NAME
o color.scheme.NAME
     Colour scheme object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->colourSchemeHash)
S colour.system.cmd
S color.system.cmd
     Colour for sent world commands (GA::Client->customInsertCmdColour)
S colour.system.text
S color.system.text
     Colour for system messages (GA::Client->customShowSystemTextColour)
S colour.system.error
S color.system.error
     Colour for system error messages (GA::Client->customShowErrorColour)
S colour.system.warning
S color.system.warning
     Colour for system warning messages (GA::Client->customShowWarningColour)
S colour.system.debug
S color.system.debug
     Colour for system debug messages (GA::Client->customShowDebugColour)
S colour.system.improper
S color.system.improper
     Colour for system improper arguments messages
F colour.flag.invisible
F color.flag.invisible
     Convert text colour if background colour is the same
S colour.rgb.TAG
S color.rgb.TAG
     RGB (e.g. '#ABCDEF') for standard colour TAG (from
        GA::Client->colourTagHash and ->boldColourTagHash)
S colour.misc.xterm
S color.misc.xterm
     xterm colour cube in use (GA::Client->currentColourCube)
F colour.misc.osc
F color.misc.osc
     OSC colour paletters allowed (GA::Client->oscPaletteFlag)

o custom.current.CATEGORY
     Current custom profile of category 'CATEGORY' (from
o custom.NAME
     Custom profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->profHash)

F debug.protocol.escape
    Show invalid escape sequences (GA::Client->debugEscSequenceFlag)
F debug.protocol.telnet
     Show incoming option negotiation info (GA::Client->debugTelnetFlag)
F debug.protocol.telnet.short
     Show incoming option negotiation short info
F debug.protocol.log
     Write log for incoming option negotiation, telopt.log
F debug.protocol.msdp
     Show MSDP data sent to Locator/Status tasks (GA::Client->debugMsdpFlag)
F debug.protocol.mxp
     Show MXP errors (GA::Client->debugMxpFlag)
F debug.protocol.mxp.comment
     Show MXP comments (GA::Client->debugMxpCommentFlag)
F debug.protocol.pueblo
     Show Pueblo errors (GA::Client->debugPuebloFlag)
F debug.protocol.pueblo.comment
     Show Pueblo comments (GA::Client->debugPuebloCommentFlag)
f debug.protocol.zmp
     Show ZMP errors (GA::Client->debugZmpFlag)
f debug.protocol.atcp
     Show ATCP data (GA::Client->debugAtcpFlag)
f debug.protocol.gmcp
     Show GMCP data (GA::Client->debugGmcpFlag)
F debug.protocol.mcp
     Show MCP errors (GA::Client->debugMcpFlag)
F debug.line.numbers
     Show explicit line numbers (GA::Client->debugLineNumsFlag)
F debug.line.tags
     Show explicit colour/style tags (GA::Client->debugLineTagsFlag)
F debug.locator.some
     Show some Locator debug messages (GA::Client->debugLocatorFlag)
F debug.locator.all
     Show all Locator debug messages (GA::Client->debugMaxLocatorFlag)
F debug.locator.exit
     Show illegal exit direction debug messages
F debug.locator.move
     Show Locator's movement command list (GA::Client->debugMoveListFlag)
F debug.obj.parse
     Show debug messages when parsing objects (GA::Client->debugParseObjFlag)
     Show debug messages when comparing objects
F debug.error.plugin
     Show explanatory messages if plugin can't be loaded
F debug.error.iv
     Show debug message for non-existent IVs (GA::Client->debugCheckIVFlag)
F debug.error.table
     Show debug message if table object can't be added/resized
F debug.error.trap
     Trap Perl errors/warnings in 'main' window

S desktop.panel.left
     Size of left panel (GA::Client->customPanelLeftSize)
S desktop.panel.right
     Size of right panel (GA::Client->customPanelRightSize)
     Size of top panel (GA::Client->customPanelTopSize)
S desktop.panel.bottom
     Size of bottom panel (GA::Client->customPanelBottomSize)
S desktop.controls.left
     Size of left-side window controls (GA::Client->customControlsLeftSize)
S desktop.controls.right
     Size of right-side window controls (GA::Client->customControlsRightSize)
     Size of top-side window controls (GA::Client->customControlsTopSize)
S desktop.controls.bottom
     Size of bottom-side window controls

O dict.current
     Current dictionary object (GA::Session->currentDict)
O dict.NAME
     Dictionary object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->dictHash)

o exit.number.NUMBER
     Exit model object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o exit.newest
     Most recently-created exit model object
S exit.count
     No. exits in model (including deleted exits)
S exit.actual
     No. exits in model (not including deleted exits)

S external.browser
     Command to run a web browser (GA::Client->browserCmd)
     Command to open email app (GA::Client->emailCmd)
     Command to open audio player (GA::Client->audioCmd)
S external.editor
     Command to open text editor (GA::Client->textEditCmd)

F file.config.load
     Load config file (GA::Client->loadConfigFlag)
     Load config file (GA::Client->saveConfigFlag)
     Load data files (GA::Client->loadDataFlag)
     Save data files (GA::Client->saveDataFlag)
F file.start.delete
     Delete config/data files on startup (GA::Client->deleteFilesAtStartFlag)
     File operation failure (GA::Client->fileFailFlag)
     Backup files before saving (GA::Client->autoRetainFileFlag)
     Data saved in any file objects have been modified
F file.autosave.flag
     Auto-save turned on (GA::Client->autoSaveFlag)
S file.autosave.time
     Minutes between autosaves (GA::Client->autoSaveWaitTime)
O file.client.NAME
     Client file object called NAME (from GA::Client->fileObjHash)
O file.session.NAME
     Session file object called NAME (from GA::Session->sessionFileObjHash)

L gmcp.list
     List of (all) GMCP packages received (from GA::Session->gmcpDataHash)
L gmcp.list.PACKAGE
     List of GMCP packages received in the form
        PACKAGE[.subpackage][.message] (from GA::Session->gmcpDataHash)
     List of GMCP packages received in the form PACKAGE.SUBPACKAGE[.message]
        (from GA::Session->gmcpDataHash)
     Value of undecoded data string in the GMCP package (from
     A value embedded within the JSON data. 'json' is made up of any number
        of '.INDEX' and '.KEY' components, in any order. The returned value
        is the scalar, list or hash value stored within the embedded list/
        hash references; or 'undef' if '.json' doesn't match any embedded
        scalar value (from GA::Session->gmcpDataHash)

o guild.current
     Current guild profile (GA::Session->currentGuild)
o guild.NAME
     Guild profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->profHash)

     Active interface called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->interfaceHash)
O iface.number.NUMBER
     Active interface numbered 'NUMBER' (from GA::Session->interfaceNumHash)

O imodel.TYPE
     Interface model of the type 'TYPE', e.g. 'trigger' (from

S instruct.sigil.client
     Instruction sigil for client commands (GA::Client->constClientSigil)
S instruct.sigil.forced
     Instruction sigil for forced world commands
S instruct.sigil.echo
     Instruction sigil for echo commands (GA::Client->constEchoSigil)
S instruct.sigil.perl
     Instruction sigil for Perl commands (GA::Client->constPerlSigil)
S instruct.sigil.script
     Instruction sigil for script commands (GA::Client->constScriptSigil)
S instruct.sigil.multi
     Instruction sigil for multi commands (GA::Client->constMultiSigil)
S instruct.sigil.speedwalk
     Instruction sigil for speedwalk commands (GA::Client->constSpeedSigil)
S instruct.sigil.bypass
     Instruction sigil for bypass commands (GA::Client->constBypassSigil)
F instruct.enable.echo
     Echo command sigil enabled (GA::Client->echoSigilFlag)
F instruct.enable.perl
     Perl command sigil enabled (GA::Client->perlSigilFlag)
F instruct.enable.script
     Script command sigil enabled (GA::Client->scriptSigilFlag)
F instruct.enable.multi
     Multi command sigil enabled (GA::Client->multiSigilFlag)
F instruct.enable.speed
     Speed command sigil enabled (GA::Client->speedSigilFlag)
F instruct.enable.bypass
     Bypass command sigil enabled (GA::Client->bypassSigilFlag)
S instruct.separator
     World command separator (GA::Client->cmdSep)
     Confirm world commands in session's default tab
     Convert capitalised world commands (GA::Client->convertWorldCmdFlag)
     Preserve world commands in entry box (GA::Client->preserveWorldCmdFlag)
F instruct.other.preserve
     Preserve other commands in entry box (GA::Client->preserveOtherCmdFlag)
F instruct.multi.max
     Send multi commands to all sessions (GA::Client->maxMultiCmdFlag)
F instruct.complete.mode
     Auto-complete mode (GA::Client->autoCompleteMode)
F instruct.complete.type
     Auto-complete navigation type (GA::Client->autoCompleteType)
F instruct.complete.parent
     Auto-complete registry location (GA::Client->autoCompleteParent)

F log.allow
     Logging is enabled (GA::CLIENT->allowLogsFlag)
F log.client.FILE
     Flag to show whether the client logfile called 'FILE' is being written
        (from GA::Client->logPrefHash)
     Flag to show whether the world logfile called 'FILE' is being written
        (from GA::Profile::World->logPrefHash)
F log.delete.standard
     Delete client logfiles when client starts
     Delete world logfiles when world becomes current
     Start new logfile every day (GA::Client->logDayFlag)
F log.start.client
     Start new logfile when client starts (GA::Client->logClientFlag)
     Prefix every line with date (GA::Client->logPrefixDateFlag)
F log.prefix.time
     Prefix every line with time (GA::Client->logPrefixTimeFlag)
F log.image
     Record images in 'receive' logfile (GA::Client->logImageFlag)
S log.event.before
     Lines to write before Status task event
S log.event.after
     Lines to write after Status task event

S loop.client.time
     Client loop time (GA::Client->clientTime)
O loop.client.obj
     Client loop object (GA::Client->clientLoopObj)
F loop.client.spin
     Client loop is spinning (GA::Client->clientLoopSpinFlag)
S loop.client.delay
     Client loop delay time (GA::Client->clientLoopDelay)
S loop.session.time
     Session loop time (GA::Session->sessionTime)
S loop.session.obj
     Session loop object (GA::Session->sessionLoopObj)
F loop.session.spin
     Session loop is spinning (GA::Session->sessionLoopSpinFlag)
F loop.session.child
     Session loop's child loop is spinning (GA::Session->childLoopSpinFlag)
S loop.session.delay
     Session loop delay time (GA::Session->sessionLoopDelay)

L misc.months
     Customisable list of short months (GA::Client->customMonthList)
L misc.days
     Customisable list of short days (GA::Client->customDayList)

     World model author (GA::Obj::WorldModel->author)
     World model date (GA::Obj::WorldModel->date)
s model.version
     World model version (GA::Obj::WorldModel->version)
l model.descripList
     World model description (GA::Obj::WorldModel->descripList)
o model.number.NUMBER
     World model object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.region.NUMBER
     World model region object with number 'NUMBER' (from
     World model room object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.weapon.NUMBER
     World model weapon object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.armour.NUMBER
     World model region object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.garment.NUMBER
     World model garment object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.char.NUMBER
     World model char object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.minion.NUMBER
     World model minion object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.sentient.NUMBER
     World model sentient object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.creature.NUMBER
     World model creature object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.portable.NUMBER
     World model portable object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.decoration.NUMBER
     World decoration region object with number 'NUMBER' (from
o model.custom.NUMBER
     World model custom object with number 'NUMBER' (from
O model.regionmap.NAME
     World model regionmap called 'NAME' (from
o model.kchar.NAME
     World model known character called 'NAME' (from
o model.mstring.STRING
     World model minion string 'STRING' (from
o model.tag.TAG
     World model room object with room tag 'TAG' (from
o model.newest
     Most recently-created world model object
S model.count
     No. objects in world model (including deleted objects)
S model.actual
     No. objects in world model (not including deleted objects)
S model.lightStatus
     Current light status (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultGridWidthBlocks
     Default grid width (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultGridHeightBlocks
     Default grid height (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultBlockWidthPixels
     Default block width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultBlockHeightPixels
     Default block height (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultRoomWidthPixels
     Default room width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultRoomHeightPixels
     Default room width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxGridWidthBlocks
     Max grid width (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxGridHeightBlocks
     Max grid height (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxBlockWidthPixels
     Max block width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxBlockHeightPixels
     Max block height (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxRoomWidthPixels
     Max room width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.maxRoomHeightPixels
     Max room height (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultMapWidthPixels
     Default map width (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.defaultMapHeightPixels
     Default map height (in pixels) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.currentRoomMode
     Room drawing mode (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.roomInteriorMode
     Room interior mode (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.drawExitMode
     Exit drawing mode (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.drawOrnamentsFlag
     Draw exit ornaments (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.horizontalExitLengthBlocks
     Length of horizontal exits (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.verticalExitLengthBlocks
     Length of vertical exits (in blocks) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.drawBentExitsFlag
     Draw bent exits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.matchTitleFlag
     Match room titles (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.matchDescripFlag
     Match room descriptions (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.matchDescripCharCount
     No. characters to match in descriptions  (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.matchExitFlag
     Match room exits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.analyseDescripFlag
     Analyse room descriptions (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.matchSourceFlag
     Match room's source code file (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.matchVNumFlag
     Match room's remove vnum (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateTitleFlag
     Update room titles (in 'update' mode) (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateDescripFlag
     Update room descriptions (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateExitFlag
     Update room exits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateSourceFlag
     Update room's source code file (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateVNumFlag
     Update room's remote vnum (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateRoomCmdFlag
     Update room's room command list (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateOrnamentFlag
     Update room's exit ornaments (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.autoCompareMode
    Current auto-compare mode setting (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoCompareAllFlag
    Compare rooms in whole model, not just region (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.autoCompareMax
    Maximum number of room comparisons (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.autoSlideMode
    Current auto-slide mode setting (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.autoSlideMax
    Maximum auto-slide distance (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescueFlag
    Auto-rescue mode is enabled (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescueFirstFlag
    In auto-rescue mode, merge rooms at first opportunity (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescuePromptFlag
    In auto-rescue mode, prompt before merging rooms at first opportunity (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescueNoMoveFlag
    In auto-rescue mode, don't move non-matching rooms (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescueVisitsFlag
    In auto-rescue mode, only update character visits in merged rooms (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autoRescueForceFlag
    In auto-rescue mode, temporarily switch to 'update' mode (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedMovesFlag
     Apply assisted moves (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedBreakFlag
     Break down doors (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedPickFlag
     Pick locks (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedUnlockFlag
     Unlock doors (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedOpenFlag
     Open doors (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedCloseFlag
     Close doors (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.assistedLockFlag
     Lock doors (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.protectedMovesFlag
     Protected moves (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.superProtectedMovesFlag
     Super-protected moves (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.setTwinOrnamentFlag
     Set twin exit's ornament (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.countVisitsFlag
     Count character visits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.allowModelScriptFlag
     Allow model-wide scripts (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.allowRoomScriptFlag
     Allow individual room scripts (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.intelligentExitsFlag
     Use intelligent exits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.followAnchorFlag
     Create new exit object using follow anchor pattern
F model.capitalisedRoomTagFlag
     Display room tags in capitals (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.showTooltipsFlag
     Show tooltips (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.explainGetLostFlag
     Explain when automapper gets lost (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.disableUpdateModeFlag
     Disable automapper update mode (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.updateExitTagFlag
     Update region exit tags (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.drawRoomEchoFlag
     Draw room echos (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.trackPosnFlag
     Track position and scroll window (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.trackingSensitivity
     Tracking sensitivity (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.avoidHazardsFlag
     Avoid hazards when pathfinding (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.postProcessingFlag
     Produce smooth paths when pathfinding (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.quickPathFindFlag
     Go to double-clicked room (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.autocompleteExitsFlag
     Auto-complete uncertain exits (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.mudlibPath
     Mudlib directory path (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.mudlibExtension
     Mudlib file extension (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.paintAllRoomsFlag
     Paint existing rooms (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.locateRandomInRegionFlag
     Locate after random region exit (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
F model.locateRandomAnywhereFlag
     Locate after general region exit (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)
S model.pathFindStepLimit
     Path-finding step limit (GA::Obj::WorldModel->...)

L msdp.generic.list
     List of generic MSDP variables (from GA::Session->msdpGenericValueHash)
S msdp.generic.VAR
     Value of generic MSDP variable 'VAR'; if 'VAR' contains space
        characters, write them as underline characters, e.g. 'PAY_FOR_PERKS'
        (from GA::Session->msdpGenericValueHash)
L msdp.custom.list
     List of custom MSDP variables (from GA::Session->msdpCustomValueHash)
S msdp.custom.VAR
     Value of custom MSDP variable 'VAR'; if 'VAR' contains space characters,
        write them as underline characters (from

L mssp.generic.list
     List of generic MSSP variables 'VAR' (from
S mssp.generic.VAR
     Value of generic MSSP variable 'VAR'; if 'VAR' contains space
        characters, write them as underline characters (from
L mssp.custom.list
     List of custom MSSP variables 'VAR' (from
S mssp.custom.VAR
     Value of custom MSSP variable 'VAR'; if 'VAR' contains space characters,
        write them as underline characters (from

L mxp.entity.list
     List of MXP entities (custom entities only)
S mxp.entity.VAR
     Value of MXP entity 'VAR' (both custom and standard entities) (from

L plugin.init
     List of plugins to load at startup (GA::Client->initPluginList)
L plugin.load
     List of plugins loaded (from GA::Client->pluginHash)
O plugin.NAME
     Axmud plugin object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->pluginHash)

o prof.NAME
     Profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->profHash, or else
L prof.priority.list
     Profile priority list in current session (GA::Session->profPriorityList)

F protocol.echo
     Use ECHO protocol (GA::Client->useEchoFlag)
F protocol.sga
     Use SGA protocol (GA::Client->useSgaFlag)
F protocol.ttype
     Use TTYPE protocol (GA::Client->useTTypeFlag)
F protocol.eor
     Use EOR protocol (GA::Client->useEorFlag)
F protocol.naws
     Use NAWS protocol (GA::Client->useNawsFlag)
F protocol.newenviron
     Use NEW-ENVIRON protocol (GA::Client->useNewEnvironFlag)
F protocol.charset
     Use CHARSET protocol (GA::Client->useCharSetFlag)
S protocol.ttype.mode
     Which termtypes to send during TTYPE/MTTS (GA::Client->termTypeMode)
     Custom client name to send (GA::Client->customClientName)
S protocol.ttype.version
     Custom client version to send (GA::Client->customClientVersion)
S protocol.ttype.sent
     Termtype actually sent (GA::Session->specifiedTType)

F protocol.msdp
     Use MSDP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMsdpFlag)
F protocol.mssp
     Use MSSP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMsspFlag)
F protocol.mccp
     Use MCCP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMccpFlag)
F protocol.msp
     Use MSP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMspFlag)
F protocol.mxp
     Use MXP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMxpFlag)
F protocol.pueblo
     Use Pueblo MUD protocol (GA::Client->usePuebloFlag)
F protocol.zmp
     Use ZMP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useZmpFlag)
F protocol.aard102
     Use AARDWOLF102 MUD protocol (GA::Client->useAard102Flag)
F protocol.atcp
     Use ATCP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useAtcpFlag)
F protocol.gmcp
     Use GMCP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useGmcpFlag)
F protocol.mtts
     Use MTTS MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMttsFlag)
F protocol.mnes
     Use MTTS MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMnesFlag)
F protocol.mcp
     Use MCP MUD protocol (GA::Client->useMcpFlag)

F protocol.msp.multiple
     Play simultaneous sound triggers (GA::Client->allowMspMultipleFlag)
F protocol.msp.load
     Download sound files (GA::Client->allowMspLoadSoundFlag)
F protocol.msp.flexible
     Recognise MSP tags in middle of line (GA::Client->allowMspFlexibleFlag)

F protocol.mxp.font
     Allow font change (GA::Client->allowMxpFontFlag)
F protocol.mxp.image.allow
     Allow image display (GA::Client->allowMxpImageFlag)
F protocol.mxp.image.load
     Allow loading images (GA::Client->allowMxpLoadImageFlag)
F protocol.mxp.image.filter
     Allow image filters (GA::Client->allowMxpFilterImageFlag)
F protocol.mxp.sound.allow
     Allow sound (GA::Client->allowMxpSoundFlag)
F protocol.mxp.sound.load
     Allow loading sound files (GA::Client->allowMxpLoadSoundFlag)
F protocol.mxp.gauge
     Allow gauges (GA::Client->allowMxpGaugeFlag)
F protocol.mxp.frame
     Allow frames (GA::Client->allowMxpFrameFlag)
F protocol.mxp.interior
     Allow interior frames (GA::Client->allowMxpInteriorFlag)
F protocol.mxp.crosslink
     Allow crosslink operations (GA::Client->allowMxpCrosslinkFlag)
     Locator uses MXP room tags exclusively change
F protocol.mxp.flexible
     Allow (some) illegal MXP keywords (GA::Client->allowMxpFlexibleFlag)

S protocol.mode.echo
     Current session's ECHO mode (GA::Session->echoMode)
S protocol.mode.sga
     Current session's SGA mode (GA::Session->sgaMode)
S protocol.mode.eor
     Current session's EOR mode (GA::Session->eorMode)
S protocol.mode.naws
     Current session's NAWS mode (GA::Session->nawsMode)
S protocol.mode.msdp
     Current session's MSDP mode (GA::Session->msdpMode)
S protocol.mode.mssp
     Current session's MSSP mode (GA::Session->msspMode)
S protocol.mode.mccp
     Current session's MCCP mode (GA::Session->mccpMode)
S protocol.mode.msp
     Current session's MSP mode (GA::Session->mspMode)
S protocol.mode.mxp
     Current session's MXP mode (GA::Session->mxpMode)
S protocol.mode.pueblo
     Current session's Pueblo mode (GA::Session->puebloMode)
S protocol.mode.zmp
     Current session's ZMP mode (GA::Session->zmpMode)
S protocol.mode.aard102
     Current session's AARD102 mode (GA::Session->aard102Mode)
S protocol.mode.atcp
     Current session's ATCP mode (GA::Session->atcpMode)
S protocol.mode.gmcp
     Current session's GMCP mode (GA::Session->gmcpMode)
S protocol.mode.mcp
     Current session's MCP mode (GA::Session->mcpMode)

o race.current
     Current race profile (GA::Session->currentRace)
o race.NAME
     Race profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->profHash)

     Recording currently in progress (GA::Session->recordingFlag)
F recording.paused
     Recording currently paused (GA::Session->recordingPausedFlag)
L recording.current
     Current recording, a list of strings (GA::Session->recordingList)
F recording.position
     Current recording position (GA::Session->recordingPosn)

S regex.url.long
     Regex matching valid web links (GA::Client->constUrlRegex)
S regex.url.short
     Regex matching short web links (GA::Client->constShortUrlRegex)
     Regex matching valid email addresses (GA::Client->constEmailRegex)

     Shortcut to the automapper's current room (GA::Session->mapObj->currentRoom)
o room.last
     Shortcut to the automapper's last known room (GA::Session->mapObj->lastKnownRoom)
o room.ghost
     Shortcut to the automapper's ghost room (GA::Session->mapObj->ghostRoom)
o room.locator
     Shortcut to the Locator task's room (GA::Session->locatorTask->roomObj)

L script.init.list
     List of scripts that start in every session
S script.init.NAME
     Run mode for the initial script NAME (from GA::Client->initScriptHash)

O session.obj.NUMBER
     Session object NUMBER (from GA::Client->sessionHash)
S session.max
     Maximum sessions allowed (GA::Client->sessionMax)

S session.number
     Current session number (GA::Session->number)
O session.mainwin
     Current 'main' window object (GA::Session->mainWin)
    Current session's default tab object (GA::Session->defaultTabObj)
    Default tab width in chars (GA::Obj::TextView->textWidthChars)
    Default tab height in chars (GA::Session->textHeightChars)
    Current session's current tab object (GA::Session->currentTabObj)
    Current tab width in chars (GA::Obj::TextView->textWidthChars)
    Current tab height in chars (GA::Session->textHeightChars)
O session.mapwin
     Current session's automapper window (GA::Session->mapWin)
     Current session's automapper object (GA::Session->mapObj)
O session.model
     Current session's world model (GA::Session->worldModelObj)
O session.history
     Current session's connection history object
S session.charset
     Current session's character set (GA::Session->sessionCharSet)
F session.login
     Current session's login flag (GA::Session->loginFlag)
O session.mission
     Current session's current mission (GA::Session->currentMission)
S session.queue
     Number of queued (excess) world commands
        (from GA::Session->excessCmdList)
F session.quit
     Flag set if delayed quit IVs set (from GA::Session->delayedQuitTime)
F session.freeze
     Flag set if task loop frozen (GA::Session->freezeTaskLoopFlag)
     Host address actually used (GA::Session->host)
S session.port
     Port actually used (GA::Session->port)
S session.protocol
     Connection protocol used (GA::Session->protocol)
S session.status
     Session status (GA::Session->status)
S session.packets
     No. packets received from world during session
S session.time.display
     Time text last received from world (GA::Session->lastDisplayTime)
S session.time.instruct
     Time last instruction processed (GA::Session->lastInstructTime)
S session.time.cmd
     Time last world command processed (GA::Session->lastCmdTime)
S session.time.outbounds
     Time last out-of-bounds communication processed
S session.redirect.mode
     Redirect mode (GA::Session->redirectMode)
S session.redirect.string
     Redirect mode string (GA::Session->redirectString)

L sound.format
     List of supported audio file formats
        (from GA::Client->constSoundFormatHash)
F sound.allow
     Allow sound effects (GA::Client->allowSoundFlag)
F sound.ascii
     Allow ASCII bells (GA::Client->allowAsciiBellFlag)
L sound.effect.list
     List of sound effects (from GA::Client->customSoundHash)
L sound.effect.NAME
     Full file path to sound effect file NAME
        (from GA::Client->customSoundHash)

     Current task with unique name 'NAME', e.g. 'status_task_5' (from
O task.recent.NAME
     Most recently-created current task with formal name 'NAME', e.g.
        'status_task' (from GA::Session->currentTaskNameHash)
O task.init.NAME
     Global initial tasklist task called 'NAME' (from
O task.custom.NAME
     Custom task called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->customTaskHash)
S task.package.NAME
     Customisable task package name 'NAME' (from GA::Client->taskPackageHash)
S task.label.LABEL
     Customisable task label 'LABEL' (from GA::Client->taskLabelHash)
L task.runlist.first
     Customisable task run-first runlist (GA::Client->taskRunFirstList)
L task.runlist.last
     Customisable task run-last runlist (GA::Client->taskRunLastList)
O task.current.advance
     Current Advance task (GA::Session->advanceTask)
O task.current.attack
     Current Attack task (GA::Session->attackTask)
O task.current.channels
     Current Channels task (GA::Session->channelsTask)
     Lead Chat task (GA::Session->chatTask)
O task.current.compass
     Current Compass task (GA::Session->compassTask)
O task.current.condition
     Current Condition task (GA::Session->conditionTask)
O task.current.divert
     Current Divert task (GA::Session->divertTask)
O task.current.inventory
     Current Inventory task (GA::Session->inventoryTask)
O task.current.launch
     Current Launch task (GA::Session->launchTask)
O task.current.locator
     Current Locator task (GA::Session->locatorTask)
O task.current.notepad
     Current Notepad task (GA::Session->notepadTask)
O task.current.rawtext
     Current RawText task (GA::Session->rawTextTask)
O task.current.rawtoken
     Current RawToken task (GA::Session->rawTokenTask)
O task.current.status
     Current Status task (GA::Session->statusTask)
O task.current.system
     Current System task (GA::Session->systemTask)
O task.current.tasklist
     Current TaskList task (GA::Session->taskListTask)
     Current Watch task (GA::Session->watchTask)

o template.NAME
     Profile template called 'NAME' (from GA::Session->templateHash)

o toolbar.NAME
     Toolbar button object called NAME (from GA::Client->toolbarHash)
L toolbar.list
     Ordered of toolbar button object names (GA::Client->toolbarList)

F tts.flag.allow
     Allow text-to-speech/TTS (GA::Client->customAllowTTSFlag)
F tts.flag.smooth
     Allow TTS smoothing (GA::Client->ttsSmoothFlag)
L tts.engine.list
     List of supported TTS engines (GA::Client->constTTSList)
L tts.obj.list
     List of TTS configuration objects (from GA::Client->ttsObjHash)
o tts.obj.NAME
     TTS configuration object called NAME (from GA::Client->ttsObjHash)
F tts.enable.receive
     Convert text received from world (GA::Client->ttsReceiveFlag)
F tts.flag.login
     Don't convert text received before login (GA::Client->ttsLoginFlag)
F tts.enable.system
     Convert system messages (GA::Client->ttsSystemFlag)
F tts.enable.error
     Convert system error messages (GA::Client->ttsSystemErrorFlag)
F tts.enable.cmd
     Convert world commands (GA::Client->ttsWorldCmdFlag)
F tts.enable.dialogue
     Convert 'dialogue' windows (GA::Client->ttsDialogueFlag)
F tts.enable.task
     Convert (some) task window text (GA::Client->ttsTaskFlag)
F tts.enable.verbose
     Verbose TTS output (GA::Client->ttsVerboseFlag)

F window.main.share
     Share 'main' windows (GA::Client->shareMainWinFlag)
S window.main.width
     Default width for 'main' windows (GA::Client->customMainWinWidth)
S window.main.height
     Default height for 'main' windows (GA::Client->customMainWinHeight)
S window.grid.width
     Default width for other 'grid' windows (GA::Client->customGridWinWidth)
S window.grid.height
     Default height for other 'grid' windows
O window.grid.NUMBER
     'grid' window NUMBER (from GA::Obj::Desktop->gridWinHash)
     'free' window NUMBER (from GA::Obj::Desktop->freeWinHash)
S window.text.size
     Maximum lines is a textview (GA::Client->customTextBufferSize)
S window.charset.current
     Current character set (GA::Client->charSet)
L window.charset.list
     Ordered list of available character sets (GA::Client->charSetList)
     Session tab mode (GA::Client->sessionTabMode)
F window.mode.xterm
     Use xterm titles in tabs (GA::Client->xTermTitleFlag)
F window.mode.long
     Use long world name in tabs (GA::Client->longTabLabelFlag)
F window.mode.simple
     Allow simple tabs (GA::Client->simpleTabFlag)
F window.mode.toolbar
     Show toolbar button labels in 'main' and automapper windows
F window.mode.irreversible
     Show icon for irreversible actions in 'edit' windows
F window.mode.urgency
     Show 'main' window urgency hints (GA::Client->mainWinUrgencyFlag)
F window.mode.tooltip
     Show tooltips in session's default tab (GA::Client->mainWinTooltipFlag)
F window.confirm.close
     Prompt user before click-close 'main' window
     Prompt user before click-close tab (GA::Client->confirmCloseTabFlag)
F window.keys.scroll
     Page up/down/home/end keys scrolls window pane
F window.keys.smooth
     Smooth window pane scrolling (GA::Client->smoothScrollKeysFlag)
F window.keys.split
     Page up/down/home/end keys enage split screen mode
F window.keys.complete
     Tab/cursor up/down keys autocomplete instructions
F window.keys.switch
     CTRL+TAB switches window pane tabs (GA::Client->useSwitchKeysFlag)

O winmap.NAME
     Winmap object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->winmapHash)
S winmap.default.enabled
     Default winmap name for 'main' windows when workspace grids enabled
S winmap.default.disabled
     Default winmap name for 'main' windows when workspace grids disabled
S winmap.default.internal
     Default winmap name for other 'grid' windows

S workspace.dir
     Direction of workspace use (GA::Client->initWorkspaceDir)
S workspace.init.count
     Number of initial workspaces (from GA::Client->initWorkspaceHash)
S workspace.init.NUMBER
     Default zonemap name for initial workspace NUMBER (from
F workspace.grid.activate
     Activate workspace grids (GA::Client->activateGridFlag)
F workspace.grid.permit
     Permit workspace grids (GA::Obj::Desktop->gridPermitFlag)
S workspace.grid.block
     Size of gridblocks, in pixels (from GA::Client->gridBlockSize)
     Maximum size of grid gaps, in blocks (GA::Client->gridGapMaxSize)
F workspace.grid.adjust
     Grid adjustment flag (GA::Client->gridAdjustmentFlag)
F workspace.grid.correct
     Edge correction flag (GA::Client->gridEdgeCorrectionFlag)
F workspace.grid.reshuffle
     Grid reshuffle flag (GA::Client->gridReshuffleFlag)
F workspace.grid.invisible
     Grid invisible window flag (GA::Client->gridInvisWinFlag)
O workspace.obj.NUMBER
     Workspace object NUMBER (from GA::Obj::Desktop->workspaceHash)
O workspace.grid.NUMBER
     Workspace grid NUMBER (from GA::Obj::Desktop->gridHash)

o world.current
     Current world profile (GA::Session->currentWorld)
o world.NAME
     World profile called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->worldProfHash)
L world.list.favourite
L world.list.favorite
     Favourite world list (GA::Client->favouriteWorldList)
L world.list.basic
     Basic world list (from GA::Client->constBasicWorldHash)
F world.flag.history
     Store connection history in world profile

L zmp.list
     List of (all) ZMP packages created by plugins
     Value of supported commands in the ZMP package

O zonemap.NAME
     Zonemap object called 'NAME' (from GA::Client->zonemapHash)

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