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1 Introduction

Axmud is a modern client for MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons), MUCKs, MOOs, MUSEs, MUSHes, MUXs and other multiplayer text-based games (collectively called worlds).

Axmud’s features include:

Axmud is still in the beta-testing phase and, as such, it lacks a proper manual. This guide introduces the most important features. Many of Axmud’s features are fully documented; these help files can be read using the ;help command.

If you want only the bare essentials, you can read the quick help document.

When you install Axmud, you’ll notice that there are two programmes, one of which uses settings that have been optimised for users with a visual impairment.

Visually-impaired users should skip most of this Guide, and read Section 16 instead.

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