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2 Installing Axmud

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Axmud is known to work on MS Windows, Linux and *BSD. It might be possible to install Axmud on macOS, but the authors have not been able to confirm this yet.

2.1 Downloading Axmud

The most recent release is available from the Axmud website:

The source code can also be obtained from using git:

2.2 Installation on MS Windows

The easiest way to use Axmud on Windows is to download and run the Windows installer.

The installer contains everything you need to run Axmud, including all the required modules and libraries, and a copy of several text-to-speech engines.

Note that, as of 2020, the sisyphusion repository no longer exists, so there is no longer any known method for running Axmud with ActivePerl or with Strawberry Perl. If installing Axmud manually, you must use MSYS2. The method is described in the installation script, ../nsis/axmud_install.nsi.

Note also that, as of 2024, MSYS2 does not support versions of Windows earlier than 8.1, and does not support 32-bit Windows at all. Therefore, the latest version of Axmud will not run on those systems. (Earlier versions of Axmud, for example v1.3.029, should still work; you can download the installers from Sourceforge.)

2.3 Installation on Linux

There are three methods of installation on Linux - install using the .deb package, install using the .rpm package or install manually using the source code.

2.3.1 Installation on Linux using the .DEB package

.deb packages are typically supported on Debian-based systems (such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint).

Installation may be as simple as downloading the .deb package and double-clicking on it. If not, you can install the package from the command line.

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is, for example:

    cd Downloads

Then install the package:

    sudo dpkg -i libgames-axmud-perl_X.Y.ZZZ.deb

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    sudo dpkg -i libgames-axmud-perl_1.2.345.deb

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.3.2 Installation on Linux using the .RPM package

.rpm packages are typically supported on Fedora-based systems (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS).

The package can be installed from the command line.

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is, for example:

    cd Downloads

Then install the package:

    sudo yum localinstall perl-Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.noarch.rpm

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    sudo yum localinstall perl-Games-Axmud-1.2.345.noarch.rpm

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.4 Installation on Linux from source

Manual installation is quite simple on most modern Linux systems.

This chapter contains complete instruction for some of the most popular distros:

Axmud v1.2.0 (and later versions) cannot easily be easily installed on openSUSE, as the required graphics library (Gtk3) is not yet available through openSUSE's software repositories. We suggest that you continue using Axmud v1.1.405 for the time being.

2.4.1 Installation on Arch-based systems

(These instructions have been tested on Arch Linux. For Manjaro, see the Section below.)

First, download the source code from the Axmud website (the most recent file ending .tar.gz).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-1.2.345.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-1.2.345

Make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo pacman -S gtk3 perl-gtk3 goocanvas wmctrl
    sudo pacman -S perl-cpanplus-dist-arch
    sudo cpanp i Archive::Zip File::Copy::Recursive File::HomeDir File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install Glib Gtk3 GooCanvas2 IO::Socket::INET6 IO::Socket::SSL IPC::Run JSON Net::OpenSSH Path::Tiny Regexp::IPv6 X11::WMCtrl

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo pacman -S sox timidity++

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.4.2 Installation on Debian-based systems

(These instructions have been tested on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint.)

First, download the source code from the Axmud website (the most recent file ending .tar.gz).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud.*.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud*

Make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk3-perl libgoocanvas-2.0-dev wmctrl
    sudo cpan install Archive::Extract File::HomeDir File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install GooCanvas2 JSON Net::OpenSSH Path::Tiny Regexp::IPv6 X11::WMCtrl

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 timidity

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.4.3 Installation on Fedora

First, download the source code from the Axmud website (the most recent file ending .tar.gz).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-1.2.345.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-1.2.345

Make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo rpm --import
    sudo rpm -Uvh
    sudo dnf install cpan
    sudo dnf install 'perl(Archive::Extract)' 'perl(File::Copy::Recursive)' 'perl(File::Fetch)' 'perl(File::HomeDir)' 'perl(File::ShareDir)' 'perl(File::ShareDir::Install)' 'perl(Glib)' 'perl(Gtk3)' 'perl(GooCanvas2)' 'perl(IO::Socket::INET6)' 'perl(IPC::Run)' 'perl(JSON)' 'perl(Net::OpenSSH)' 'perl(Path::Tiny)' 'perl(Regexp::IPv6)' 'perl(Time::Piece)'
    sudo cpan install X11::WMCtrl

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo dnf install sox timidity++

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.4.4 Installation on Manjaro

Manjaro's rolling release version is affected by a recurring issue (Perl modules are not updated when the Perl itself is updated, meaning that any Perl applications will immediately stop working). If you're using the rolling release version, consider installing via Perl homebrew instead (see )

These instructions work on both the stable and rolling releases of Manjaro.

First, download the source code from the Axmud website (the most recent file ending .tar.gz).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-1.2.345.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-1.2.345

Make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo pacman -S base-devel gtk3 goocanvas perl-gtk3 perl-goocanvas2 wmctrl cpanminus
    sudo cpanm Archive::Extract File::Copy::Recursive File::HomeDir File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install Glib IO::Socket::INET6 IO::Socket::SSL IPC::Run JSON Net::OpenSSH Path::Tiny Regexp::IPv6
    sudo cpanm Archive::Zip --force

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo pacman -S sox timidity++

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.4.5 Installation on openSUSE

Axmud v1.2.0 (and later versions) cannot easily be easily installed on openSUSE, as the required graphics library (Gtk3) is not yet available through openSUSE's software repositories. We suggest that you continue using Axmud v1.1.405 for the time being.

2.4.6 Installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS

First, download the source code from the Axmud website (the most recent file ending .tar.gz).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-1.2.345.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-1.2.345

Now we need to add an extra repository. First get the key:

    sudo rpm --import

Then add the repository. On CentOS/RHEL 6, do this:

    sudo rpm -Uvh

On CentOS/RHEL 7, do this:

    sudo rpm -Uvh

Now make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
    sudo yum install epel-release cpan goocanvas2 wmctrl
    sudo yum install 'perl(Archive::Extract)' 'perl(Archive::Tar)' 'perl(Archive::Zip)' 'perl(File::Copy::Recursive)' 'perl(File::Fetch)' 'perl(File::HomeDir)' 'perl(File::ShareDir)' 'perl(File::ShareDir::Install)' 'perl(Glib)' 'perl(Gtk3)' 'perl(IO::Socket::INET6)' 'perl(IPC::Run)' 'perl(JSON)' 'perl(Net::OpenSSH)' 'perl(Path::Tiny)' 'perl(Regexp::IPv6)' 'perl(Time::Piece)'
    sudo cpan install GooCanvas2 X11::WMCtrl

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo yum install sox timidity++

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

2.5 Installation on *BSD

Manual installation using the source code is quite simple on *BSD. (At the time of writing, no installer is available).

2.5.1 Installation on GhostBSD

(These instructions have been tested on GhostBSD, which is based on FreeBSD. It's likely that installation instructions are the same or very similar on all distros based on FreeBSD, OpenBSD or NetBSD.)

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example:

    cd Downloads

Decompress the .tar.gz file:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-X.Y.ZZZ

You must replace the X.Y.ZZZ with the actual version number you've downloaded, for example:

    tar -pzxvf Games-Axmud-1.2.345.tar.gz
    cd Games-Axmud-1.2.345

Make sure you have the right dependencies:

    sudo pkg install goocanvas2 wmctrl
    sudo cpan install Archive::Extract Archive::Zip File::Copy::Recursive File::HomeDir File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install Glib Gtk3 GooCanvas2 IO::Socket::INET6 IO::Socket::SSL IPC::Run JSON Net::OpenSSH Path::Tiny Regexp::IPv6 X11::WMCtrl

If you want to use sound effects and/or text-to-speech, you should also type:

    sudo pkg install sox timidity++

Then install Axmud itself:

    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

When installation is complete, start Axmud by typing:

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